Before we began our practicum placements in the Fall of 2024, we were asked to deliver a 10-15 minute lesson to our peers. We each designed a lesson for a grade level of our choice and delivered to our peers for feedback.

I chose to teach the class the daily agenda routine I use in my grade 6 classroom at the end of each school day. I led students through the routine by demonstrating my expectations under the document camera as students watched and followed along. You can see the lesson outline and my post-lesson reflection below!

I delivered the lesson in our typical lecture classroom at the Terrace campus which was a little bit different than what I am used to in my classroom. At the university, we use a hybrid model so some students attend the class in-person in Terrace, and some students attend the class virtually from Quesnel. I think I managed the technology reasonably well.

I felt that my lesson demonstration went well! I felt confident as I was delivering it and my “students” seemed to grasp the routine quickly. I did have some push back on asking them to write in cursive, but I presented my reasoning for it, and most students climbed on board. Cursive has been shown to help students link ideas in their mind and recall what they’ve written with more ease. Additionally, practicing the skill for a couple minutes each day helps students stay in the habit of writing in cursive.

After my demonstration, my peers provided me with feedback. We used the “3 Stars and a Wish” format to deliver our peer-feedback. I found this to be a valuable experience! I have sorted some of the feedback I found most helpful into a chart below.

-Confidently and effectively addressed students questions.

-Solid “I do/We do” demonstration under the document camera.

-Set clear expectations through explicit instruction. Students knew what to expect.

-Offered immediate, formative feedback.

-Managed the classroom well and was well prepared for the lesson. Demonstrated kind, firmness while managing students.
-A few peers suggested using a bolder pen and zooming in closer to my paper on the document camera so students at the back of the room have a clearer view.

-Consider the possible modificiations and accomodations that would make this routine more accessible for students who require additional supports to achieve success.